Upcoming international meeting in Munich - Aug 31 to Sep 2

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Danilo antwortete auf das Thema: Upcoming international meeting in Munich - Aug 31 to Sep 2

In caso qualcuno abbia interesse a partecipare al raduno ufficiale di Monaco di Baviera presso gli stabilimenti BMW, ma ha difficoltà a leggere (ed intendere :grinsen1: ) il programma in inglese, può contattarmi per ulteriori informazioni con un PN (messaggio privato, in tedesco Private Nachricht, bottoncino in basso a sinistra).

PS: non resta molto tempo... :harhar:


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- "Wenn du aufhören würdest zu verurteilen, hättest du das Verzeihen gar nicht nötig!"

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reinhard antwortete auf das Thema: Upcoming international meeting in Munich - Aug 31 to Sep 2

As promised - additional information courtesy of the Press & Public Relations Centre in Dingolfing:

[url=http://www.8er.ch/files/user/reinhard/arcor/e31-11/dingolfingenglish.pdf[/img]Download as PDf file[/url]


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reinhard erstellte das Thema Upcoming international meeting in Munich - Aug 31 to Sep 2

Dear all,
this is the official programme for the upcoming international 8-series meeting in Munich. In case you have any questions - just ask!

You can also download the programme: Download PDF

Additional information will be available shortly!

See you there!

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