A other 850/840 Meeting that we will keep in good Memorys. Remembering new Friends we where able to meet and shared some beautyful Days togehter enabled by the Spirit of our loved 850/840's
So Janne and Mike
I can also just say,
Thank You !
for the absolut outstanding Days you Organised for us in Sweden.
Yes i know how much Time and effort that was necessary to end up with the Programm as it was, not to mention all the things you had on standby and finally we had no time to go and Visit as well as all the little Details up to the Flags and Banners you Organized and payed your self
Therefore in the Name of the BMW Clube31 Moderation Team i would like to Thank you Janne and Mike very much for a Job very well done.
I was impressed about the very good Food we had in every Restaurant and the friendly Welcome of the Swedish Peoples.
Regards Fredi Switzerland