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Texas 8er's Meet for the First Time

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dg850 antwortete auf das Thema: Texas 8er's Meet for the First Time

I only can subscribe to this view!
:top: :top:

Regards Dirk
  • Fredi
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Fredi antwortete auf das Thema: Texas 8er's Meet for the First Time

Always a pleasure to see when BMW 8 Serie Drivers get together (around the World) and share the Spirit of our BMW 8 :grinsen1: :top:

Keep going
Regards Fredi
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Turbo_Grieche antwortete auf das Thema: Texas 8er's Meet for the First Time

Verry nice!!!!!!!!


Aus Fehlern lernt man...sollte man zumindest!
(Ich spreche aus Erfahrung)
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Jud erstellte das Thema Texas 8er's Meet for the First Time

Meeting success leads to planning Fall 8er Meeting

Hosted by Momir and Sandra, the Texas 8er's were born Sunday, June 5, 2005. Please give them a round of applause!

For the complete recap and to hear of plans for a Fall meeting, go to 8-Fest.com:

Jud Spencer
BMW 8 Series Registry Agent
Emeritus – 2002/08 - 2010/08


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